
PSE provides medical care to all the children in its care

All the children supported through the association's programmes benefit from care that is tailored and personalised to their needs!

Pour un Sourire d'Enfant monitors each child's medical condition, regardless of the programme in which they are enrolled, because every child has the right to be looked after.

Bidonville avec des maisons en taule et des déchets au sol

Dangerous and unhealthy living conditions

The families supported by Pour un Sourire d'Enfant live in areas of extreme poverty, which we call "communities".

With the development of Cambodia, particularly in Phnom Penh, many families are settling temporarily on unused land that does not belong to them, or on areas that cannot be built on (particularly flood-prone areas). They are being pushed further and further away from the city centre into the outskirts. Although health centres are gradually being opened, the majority of these areas still don't have any close by, those that have opened offer a very limited range of healthcare services. 

Dwellings are mostly made of sheet metal, tarpaulin and wood, and often have no access to running water or electricity. Hygiene is very poor, with families having to wade through mud and rubbish all the time. 

Personalised medical care tailored to each child's needs

Hygiene education, preventive health campaigns, first aid, medical consultations, combatting malnutrition, PMI service for infants... Our medical team works with all the children and their parents if necessary. Ensuring children's healthy development is at the heart of our care programme.

The health card system that we have set up for adult care helps adults to take responsibility by asking them to make a financial contribution depending on their level of income.

Students attending school or undergoing vocational training in our Phnom Penh Centre, including children in the special education section who need physiotherapy and other special care, are cared for in the Centre's infirmary. They are also cared for in our dental practice. 

Particular attention is paid to combating malnutrition

Food insecurity is a real risk for the children supported by the association,due to their living conditions. Children suffering from undernutrition or severe malnutrition are helped, the consequences for their physical and mental health can be terrible.

Pour un Sourire d'Enfant has placed the fight against malnutrition in the youngest children at the heart of its care programme.

Psychological support to ensure the mental health of the youngsters

A team of four psychologists provides therapeutic support for those who need it most. They work on preventing psychological risks among young people so that they do not have an impact on their studies. Some students find it hard to concentrate at school or don't want to study. They regularly go through difficult periods that can lead them to engage in risky behaviour. The team provides advice tailored to each individual, such as learning to control their emotions. The aim is to establish a relationship of trust and respect with the youngsters through active listening and regular monitoring to spot signs of improvement.

The psychologists also help our staff to understand the difficulties faced by youngsters, and have set up a training programme on child development and adolescence.

Guaranteeing comprehensive, long-term support for children through sponsorship

The work of Pour un Sourire d'Enfant is essential: it ensures that the children are cared for so that they can complete their schooling and gain the hope of a dignified future.

The children are looked after until they escape poverty definitively. On average, they remain in the association's programmes for 10 years. That's why PSE has set up a sponsorship system: a guarantee that we can look after the children until they finish their schooling, until they find a job that will enable them to live with dignity.

We can't leave children by the wayside!

Find out more about sponsorship